SYSLink Staking
What is SYSLink staking and how can you get the best of it?
Just like every other Decentralized project, SYSLink is also offering a staking feature too fofr its ecosystem participants!
How does this work? 0.5% of all fees which are recovered from sales made on the store will be stored in a multisig wallet and will be transfered to the staking pool when a staking epoch begins.
Reward calculation at the time of claiming rewards:
Consider an example where the reward ratio is 1/10. This means that for every 10 tokens staked, only 1 Reward token will be distributed. In this instance, 1 represents the number of Reward tokens given, while 10 signifies the total number of tokens staked before a reward is issued.
What are the current APY used on the V1 & V2 staking daps
There is varying staking epoch on the Version One of the SYSlink staking Dapp with varying percentages.
2 weeks:
1 Month:
3 Months:
6 Months:
What do you stand to gain? Interesting APY on SYSL tokens staked.
How can you participate? The SYSL staking pool currently supports the staking of just the SYSLink token and you can partake in the staking pool.
Currently there are two (2) ways you could choose to stake your syslink tokens. Both V1 & V2 offers earnings in different tokens with the V2 giving rewards in PSYS
Staking dApp:
Last updated